Sunday 23 September 2012

Handy Template for Identifying a Cult

Of use to cult-busters might be this handy template, helpfully supplied by Alicia Hamberg. It originally concerned the treatment of Gregoire Perra, whose whistleblowing activities the 'critiques' talk about increasingly, by the Fédération des Ecoles Steiner en France, who are suing him.

But what I found when I looked at it (once I stopped laughing), was that it can apply to any group that mounts an aggressive attack on people with different opinions or ways of approaching matters, and which, in doing so, begins to approximate cultish behaviour.

Sunday 16 September 2012

Dealing with Defamation

If you stand up and be counted, you will experience attack, probably mainly in the form of people smearing you as mad.  That just happens to virtually everybody that takes a stand for justice with any kind of entrenched status quo.  Don't believe me?  Who on earth are you following?

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Invisible to Atos

Its so easy to look at an article like this The bunion surgeons who are maiming their patients.and say, oh look at those nasty podiatrists, pretending to be doctors and getting all above themselves.

Yes I had corrective surgery for a mangled op done by a podiatric surgeon.  In fact it was what’s called tertiary surgery (third go), as the podiatrist actually got to try and put it right himself first in a spirit of forgiveness and ...well sheer stupidity on my part as it turned out.