Friday 10 October 2014

No stigma. World Mental Health Day 2014

I though I'd drop in and write something here, as I haven't for a long time.

That's because what I wrote up until then has been quite enough to be going on with, in terms of having results in the real world.

Unfortunately I am not at liberty to say what those results are at the moment, and am quite curtailed, for legal reasons, just for now, from being very open about what's been happening to me at all, or  about the reality behind the well-evidenced accounts I've published in posts here, and on ANM.

In a way that's been fine because frankly there's a lot going on in the rest of life one way and another,  so having a rest from publishing about fuckwittery has been enabled me to work on other projects.

I'm still here, and still looking forward, even though what's been going on for us is obviously extremely difficult.

So for the moment I'd just like to wish everyone out there a fine and unstigmatised World Mental Health Day.

It's great to hear today that, on winning the Nobel Peace Prize with Kailash Satyarthi today, Malala Yousafzai said "My message to children all around the world is that they should stand up for their rights.”  These young women are showing the way, and this belief in children as agents of change in the world was certainly emphasised at the recent Rights Here Right Now! conference in Swansea which I was privileged to attend.

Wherever you are in the world today, and whatever your age, situation, or state of health, mental and physical, I hope you are safe and happy and not under attack in any way, including by mental health stigma, which is so damaging.

In spite of being united against stigma, however, recent conversations with knowledgeable folks have made it clear how shockingly often targeting occurs by even large groups deliberately using stigma as a weapon by lying about the mental or physical health of others.

If you are experiencing such actions from others, then whatever else you do, I hope you manage to remember, (on World Mental Health Day and on every other day) that you are in no way responsible for the choices that others make.

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